Acid reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a chronic condition that occurs when the acid in the stomach moves into the oesophagus.
Symptoms of acid reflux in dogs include:
Prolonged or recurring acid reflux if left untreated too long can result in weight loss from lack of nutrients, narrowing, thinning, or necrosis of the oesophagus, ulceration, damage to the lungs, or aspiration pneumonia due to vomit entering the dog's lungs.
This Acid Reflux Relief Remedy can assist with GERD symptoms, and digestive sensitivity to certain foods, and can help calm your dog and ease the stress/shock on their body.
Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Carbo Veg 30C, Natrum Carbonicum 50C, Antimonium Crudum 30C, Bryonia 40C, Phosphorus 40C.
Image: 50ml Dropper