Carbo Vegetabilis is a useful remedy that can assist with treating conditions such as digestive distress, respiratory issues, fainting, shock and poisoning.
If you are feeling weak, sluggish, or showing mental/emotional symptoms, this remedy could help you!
It's also safe for pets.
Digestion Issues Include:
- Indigestion from fatty/rich foods (often leading to flatulence or diarrhoea)
- Bloating (only relieved for a short period through belching or passing gas)
- Flatulence (worsened when lying down or wearing tight clothing)
- Cravings for salty or sweet foods.
Respiratory Issues Include:
- Breathlessness (caused by bloating or overeating)
- Need to sit up in bed to help catch your breath
- Dyspnea (severe shortness of breath. Also known as "air hunger")
- Wanting to be in fresh air
Fainting Symptoms Include:
- Weakness to the point of collapsing
- Before or after fainting, wants fresh air or to be fanned
- Pale face
- Cold sweat
Shock Symptoms Include:
- Cold sweat
- Cold, pale/bluish skin
- Even when cold and shivering don't want to be covered
- Breathless or gasping
Assists with Poisoning:
- Food poisoning
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
(Use to assist with poisoning symptoms while awaiting medical care)
Mental/Emotional Symptoms:
- Indifference
- Irritability
- Low mood
- Poor Memory
Carbo Vegetabilis for Pets
- Cold skin or paws
- Digestion issues such as bloating, flatulence and distension
- Close to collapsing, with the animal gasping or suffering from shock. (Use Carbo Vegetabilis to calm the animal and ease symptoms while waiting for medical attention)
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Carbo Veg 200C
- 50ml Sprayer