Itch Relief


Itch Relief

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Your skin is very sensitive, it has to be, to make you aware of your surroundings and if you're in danger or at risk of harm, however when an irritation occurs it can disrupt your sensitivity and awareness. This remedy will help with irritations of the skin such as:
- Itching
- Burning
- Swelling
- Dryness / Roughness
- Eczema

It can also assist with acne and cold sores.

Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Arsenicum Album 200C, Hepar Sulph 100C, Sulphur 60C, Psorinum 350C, Sulphur Iodatum 90C, Mezereum 60C, Ledum Tincture, Ledum 70C.

50ml Sprayer