Mould Toxicity


Mould Toxicity

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This remedy was formulated to help in situations of mould exposure and toxicity.  Often the symptoms of mould go unnoticed until they have taken serious hold of the body.  Even then it will go misdiagnosed and treated with unsuitable medication causing more health issues.
Known symptoms of mould toxicity include:
  • Headaches, migraines, brain lesions
  • Chronic fatigue, exhaustion
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, sharp abdominal pains, stomach lesions
  • Joint and muscle stiffness, pain and weakness
  • Cognitive dysfunction (progressive brain fog); memory loss, slurred speech, confusion, dementia
  • Balance problems, dizziness, vertigo
  • Ringing in ears, loss of hearing (aspergillus niger)
  • Chronic allergies, congestion, sneezing, sinusitis
  • Asthma, wheezing, shortness in breath, coughing, chronic bronchitis
  • Heart palpitations, irregular heart beat, tachycardia, heart attack
  • Weight loss or weight gain (usually sudden and severe)
  • Multiple food allergies/leaky gut syndrome/altered immunity
  • Thyroid irregularities, sometimes leading to complete dysfunction; adrenal problems
  • Bladder, liver, spleen, and/or kidney pain and problems (infections, disease and failure)
  • Low grade fevers
  • Enlarged, and/or painful lymph nodes
  • Reproductive system complications; irregular menstrual cycles, miscarriage, infertility
  • Anxiety, depression
  • Behavioral issues; mood disorder, irritability, aggression, OCD, bipolar, addiction
  • Rashes and/or hives, bruising/scarring easily, bloody lesions all over the skin
  • Anaemia, leukopenia, neutropenia, frequent infections
  • Numbness, paresthesia, Bell’s palsy
  • Muscle spasms, fasciculations, tremors, inadvertent facial movements
  • Extreme blood pressure, cholesterol, or triglycerides irregularities
  • Autonomic nervous system dysfunction (Dysautonomia); Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) , Neurocardiogenic Syncope (NCS), Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) 
  • Vision problems (floaters, auras, blurred vision, blindness)
  • Night sweats, head sweats, profuse sweating, excessive salvia
  • Hallucinations
  • Burning in the throat and lungs (similar to acid reflux and often misdiagnosed as such)
  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
  • Intermittent face flushing; called the Mylar Flush (neurological)
  • Large boils on neck
  • Burning after urination, frequent urination, dark urine
  • Insensitivity to heat and alcohol
  • Nose bleeds (stachybotrys)
  • Coughing up blood, black looking debris
  • Difficulty swallowing, choking, spitting up (vomiting)
  • Hypersensitivity (highly sensitive to smells, sounds, light, and touch)
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • Hair loss, premature graying of hair
  • Seizures    
  • Cancer    
  • Anaphylaxis upon re-exposure to mycotoxin producing molds
  • And in extreme cases, Death    
Specifically formulated to help with Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Stachybotrys (black) mould.
Ingredients:  Ethanol base, Nux Vomica 130C, Arsenicum Album 60C, Bryonia 50C, Silica 500C, Carbo Vegetables 30C, Kali Bich 140C, Kali Mur 220C, Aspergillus nosode 100C, Cladosporium nosode 570C, Mixed mould & fungi nosode 110C, Stachybotrys nosode 130C, Mould poisoning 530C, Penicillium nosode 570C.