This remedy will provide great assistance in situations where there has been overindulgence in rich food or alcohol resulting in stomach upsets, colic, bloat, nausea, etc.
- When there is overindulgence of anything – food, alcohol, tobacco, drugs
- Irritability, angry, malicious behaviour
- Sensitive to noises, smells, light, etc
- Fault-finding
- Headache with vertigo
- Sensitive scalp, congestive headaches
- Haemorrhoids
- Constipation
- Congestion of sinuses
- Toothache, swelling of gums, may be bleeding
- Rough, scraped feeling of throat
- Nausea, flatulence, indigestion, bloating. Incarcerated wind, colic
- Irritable bladder
- Backache in lumbar region. Weakness of limbs
- May help with acne
- Disruption to kidney function
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Lycopodium 230C, Carbo Vegetabilis 70C, Natrum Carbonicum 60C, Nux Vomica 200C, Pulsatilla 50C, Bryonia 220C, Cinchona Officinalis 70C, Colocynthis 40C.
50ml Sprayer
25ml Dropper