Snails & Slugs


Snails & Slugs

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This remedy is helpful in repelling snails, slugs, apple leaf hoppers, aphids, blister mites, two-spotted mites, treehoppers, black point, septoria blotch, scale, mites, budworms, citrus mites, and elephant weevils.

It may also be of help with slimy moulds and mildew, excessive wilting even after watering, pale striping from manganese deficiency, grey speck, impaired photosynthesis, and deformed flowers. As well as assist plants with a straggly, twisted, deformed appearance, and tree cancer. 

To use add 1ml/5 sprays to the watering can or spray bottle and water affected areas.

Ingredients: Ethanol base, Helix tosta 20C, Kali Permanganicum 90C, Ferrum Sulph 30C.

Image: 25ml Dropper