Cold & Flu Support 2025


Cold & Flu Support 2025

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The Heal with Ease cold and flu support remedy is formulated to help you through the symptoms of cold and flu without the use of medication.  

Symptoms of Flu include:
​Dry, chesty cough
​Aching Muscles
​Limb or joint pain
​Upset Stomach
​Sore Throat
​Runny or blocked nose
​Loss of appetite

This remedy will help with these symptoms in the following ways.  Consider this remedy to treat any of the issues below.
​Sudden onset of symptoms
​Loss of strength
​Chill from cold weather
​Inflammation of serous membranes and muscular tissue
​Fear, anxiety and worry
​Heavy, pulsating headache
​Intracranial pressure
​Intolerable body pains
​Burning headache
​Red, inflamed eyes
​Noise sensitivity
​Hot, swollen, painful ears.
​Pain at root of nose
​Much Sneezing
​Nasal congestion
​Nasal ulceration
​Red, dry, stinging throat
​Swollen/dry tonsils
​Oppression of breathing on least movement
​Hoarse, dry, croupy cough
​Laboured breathing
​Hacking cough
​Respiratory inflammation/infection generally
​Congestion of lungs
​Choking cough
​Heart palpitations
​Restless and sleepless
​Night sweats
​Swollen Glands

Ingredients:  Ethanol base, Nosodes of 2025 Influenza strains, Aconite 50C, Ferrum Phos 80C, Oscillococcinum 100C, Hepar Sulphur 60C, Streptococcus Pneumonia 1M, Streptococcus Pyogenes 1M.

Image: Sprayer 50ml

Don’t forget the basics of cold/flu management: lots of healthy water, raw honey, garlic, ginger, and rest.

Barbara O’Neil’s Cough Syrup: Chop an onion and place it in a jar. Cover with raw honey (local if you can). Let it sit overnight. The syrup formed is what you want to take - a spoonful every couple of hours is great. Once it’s finished turning into a syrup you can strain off the onion. It will store in the fridge for years. Make sure you label it well. We don’t want someone throwing that gold out.

HWE Tip: add garlic, ginger and lemon to the onion and honey to get more cold support from your cough syrup.

Eric’s Tip (Flu Slammer): a chopped clove of raw garlic, washed down with a shot of rum, followed by a teaspoon of raw honey.