Kit 1 (formerly known as Beginners kit)


Kit 1 (formerly known as Beginners kit)

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The BEST FIRST AID KIT to have on hand

This great little kit has saved our clients time, money and stress, allowing them to deal with day to day issues quickly and easily.

It’s as simple as activating the remedy (a quick shake or tap on the hand) and then administering a few drops on bare skin.

This kit can give you support with many issues including:

- Accidents
- Abscess
- Arthritis
- Bruising
- Chemical exposure/poisoning
- Colic
- Conjunctivitis
- Convulsions
- Eye injuries
- Fever
- Gastric disturbances – vomiting/diarrhoea
- Heat Stroke
- Infection
- Inflammation
- Injuries
- Muscle/tendon injuries
- Nerve damage
- Pain
- Poisoning (on the way to an emergency room)
- Poisonous bites (on the way to an emergency room)
- Post-surgery recovery
- Puncture Wounds
- Rickets
- Shock
- Splinters and other foreign objects under the skin
- Tetanus

We travel with this kit in our cars so we always have the remedies available.

Great value starting at $100 for the 10ml kit. 6 remedies for the price of 4, all contained in a recycled cardboard storage box (10ml kit only).

Replacement remedies are available in 10ml, 25ml and 50ml sizes.

Remedies Include:

No. 1 Accident
- Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Rhus Tox 50C, Ruta 80C, Arnica 100C..
No. 2 Infection
- Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Hypericum 120C, Natural Antibiotic Oil.
No. 3 Poisoning
- Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Arsenicum Album 250C, Lycopodium 40C, Urtica Urens 80C, Veratrum Album 50C, Aloe Socotrina 80C, Ipecac 80C.
No. 4 Fever
- Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Arsenicum Album 100C, Ferrum Phos 100C, Gelsemium 100C, Arnica 70C.
No. 5 Bites &Stings
- Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Apis 60C, Ledum 40C, Urtica Urens 100, Aconitum Napellus 70C, Cantharis 70C, Carbolicum Acidum 80C, Histaminum 230C, Hypericum 110C.
No. 6 Abscess
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Silica 40C, Hepar Sulph 100C.

- 50ml sprayer bottle Kit