Thyroid Support


Thyroid Support

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The thyroid is a gland that creates and releases hormones that help many different systems within your body function. The hormones your thyroid releases help control your metabolism, heart, muscle and digestion function, growth and development. It helps regulate several of your body's functions by constantly releasing the needed amount of thyroid hormones into your bloodstream.


Meaning when your thyroid doesn't work as it's supposed to, either releasing too many (hyperthyroidism) or too few hormones (hypothyroidism), it can affect your entire body.


Symptoms of an overactive thyroid:

- Anxious, irritable or nervous
- Difficulty sleeping
- Weight loss
- Enlarged thyroid gland or a goitre
- Muscle weakness and tremors
- Irregular menstrual periods or menstrual cycle stopped
- Overly sensitive to heat
- Issues with vision or eye irritation

Symptoms of an underactive thyroid:

- Fatigued
- Weight gain
- Forgetful
- Heavy and frequent menstrual periods
- Dry hair
- Hoarse voice
- Overly sensitive to cold


Anyone can have issues with their thyroid, however, in some cases, you are more likely to develop a thyroid disease if you:

- Have a history of thyroid disease in your family
- Have a medical condition (consult your doctor to find out if your condition puts you at risk)
- Take medication that is high in iodine
- Are older than 60
- Have had treatment for a thyroid condition in the past
- Women are at more risk than men


This remedy can help support your thyroid to produce the proper amount of hormones your body needs, while also assisting with the effect of not having enough/having too many hormones released into your body.


Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Calcarea Carbonica 100C, Iodum 50C, Sepia 80C, Lycopodium 50C, Thyroidinum 200C, Kali Carbonicum 70C, Silica 70C.



- 25ml Dropper