Ajoite Quartz Gem Essence


Ajoite Quartz Gem Essence

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Ajoite Quartz Gem Essence is for those whose frequencies need lifting to a higher level.


This essence is considered a master healer, it is attuned to the higher frequencies and can lift your vibration and expand your consciousness. It promotes the flow and absorption of energy through the energetic system and encourages your creative flow and passion to reach your highest potential.


Due to its frequency, Ajoite is an essence of peace, love and joy. It can give out positive vibrations to benefit others and promote peace and acceptance in any situation. The power this gem holds can bring together the Heart and Throat Chakras so that you may speak from your heart and care for yourself and others around you.


Ajoite Gem Essence can calm and steady the mind, allowing you to focus and concentrate on connecting the energy within you and the energy in the environment around you.


It may also assist in finding peace within meditation.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Ajoite Quartz Gem Essence.