Bloodstone Gem Essence


Bloodstone Gem Essence

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Bloodstone assists with expressing negative emotions or for those who lack emotional sensitivity and sympathy towards others. It can help build self-respect, trust, loyalty and courage to live in the now. It can highlight your positive leadership qualities and protect you from manipulation and deceit. 


This essence can bring forth energies to power new endeavours, confidence that your actions will bring success and stimulate motivation and passion for life. 


It may channel healing forces to areas of disharmony to restore health, bring conscious awareness of physical health and help strengthen energy fields to do with blood flow. It can assist with clearing inherited beliefs and memories stored in the blood energy field.


Bloodstone can help with blockages with both physical and emotional energies in the lower chakras. It can strengthen your connection to the earth and rebalance the energy centres of the 1st and 2nd chakras after trauma or emotional upset. 


This essence can have a purifying and protective effect, especially during a woman's menstrual cycle when she can be more susceptible to outside energies.


It can generate a higher state of consciousness for those whose primary focus is spiritual.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Bloodstone Gem Essence.