Blue Apatite Gem Essence


Blue Apatite Gem Essence

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Blue Apatite is a motivational gem that promotes independence, ambition and self-expression.


Blue Apatite can provide a positive outlook and a hopeful attitude that motivates you to achieve your goals and help others. It enhances creativity and promotes openness and social ease. It can clear confusion, indifference, negativity, eases sorrow, anger, irritability and emotional exhaustion. Allowing you to overcome self-consciousness and alienation. It can help with public speaking, socialising and working in groups.


This essence also helps with time management, concentration and memory, making it a great study remedy.


Blue Apatite aids with the absorption of calcium, forming new cells, healing bones and teeth, repairing cartilage, and assisting with treatment for rickets, joint problems, arthritis and movement issues. Supports the health of glands, meridians, and organs and aids in reducing hypertension. It soothes headaches and assists with vertigo and dizziness. Stimulates eyesight, and assists with excessive eyestrain and other issues that relate to lack of eye movement. It also builds up energy reserves.


This essence supports healthy eating and suppresses hunger while raising your metabolic rate.


Blue Apatite has a cleansing effect on the aura in particular in the mental body. It is excellent for dreams, to creatively solve problems, exploring other lives and past-life experiences and assist with an understanding of karmic influences on one’s life. It is excellent for balancing yin-yang, and for raising Kundalini energy*. It helps clear over-activity, under-activity, blockages and congestion in the chakras. In particular, it stimulates the Third Eye and the Throat Chakras. 


The Third Eye Chakra allows you to balance out the important and unimportant, sorting the meaning from data and impressions collected from quiet observation, opening you up to new ideas, dreams and visions. This Chakra commands the flow of energy through the body.


If the Throat Chakra is blocked or out of balance, it can affect the health of other chakras. When clear and balanced it allows an easy flow of energy within the body and spirit. This Chakra allows self-expression, making it easier to communicate your ideas, beliefs and emotions freely.


*Kundalini energy is dormant energy in most people, but when awoken is an energy that travels through your Chakras inspiring change, creativity, adventurousness and a sense of purpose.

Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Blue Apatite Gem Essence
- Dropper 50ml