Celestite Gem Essence


Celestite Gem Essence

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Celestite Gem Essence is for those who are filled with negative emotions and feel disconnected from their soul.


This essence is suggested to assist with feelings of sadness, guilt, self-reproach, shame, and disconnection within a dream state that is troubled and emotional pain. It is especially useful in helping reduce the effects of old pain from unresolved issues that hurt us a long time ago.


Celestite can allow us to get to the point of forgiveness; for those of us who wish to finally forgive others and ourselves.


It can also help us identify and release tension within our bodies, which can result in an overall relaxing experience including a sense of expansive energy running through our bodies, cooling, mental peace, calmer sleep, and positive dreams.


Celestite Gem Essence can help with pain in our souls, facilitating an angelic connection, restructuring our inner and outer vision allowing us to see the world clearer from a spiritual perspective.


This essence can also gently open, clear and align the upper chakras with the divine and angelic realms.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Celestite Gem Essence.