Chrysanthemum Gem Essence


Chrysanthemum Gem Essence

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This essence is for those who are seeking the courage to follow their dreams.


When unexpected opportunities arise and one chooses a path to take, Chrysanthemum can allow them to push through obstacles to happiness, love and abundance in their life. It emits a calming, confident and centring energy that nurtures change and encourages one to slow down, enjoy the moment and allows for one to set aside the time they need to realise their true potential in life.


Chrysanthemum Gem Essence can open new channels of connection by allowing one to dissolve negative thoughts and feelings and in turn introduce stability and trust, allowing one to show love to the world and thus receive love back into their own life.


This essence can encourage and inspire the manifestation of ideas, and creativity, uncover true feelings and allow one to understand the bigger picture within their tasks and use this information for personal growth and development.


Chrysanthemum Gem Essence is highly beneficial for balance during puberty and may aid women adversely affected by their fertility and menstruation.


It may also be useful during pregnancy and birth as it can improve the development of skin, eyes, and skeletal system and can aid in the absorption of nutrients.


Chrysanthemum can be used to tap into Universal wisdom and strengthen one's connection with everything within the universe. It has a grounding effect on the physical body during meditation and can benefit energy healers and users.


This Gem Essence can give a sense of balance between the spiritual and physical world. It can be useful in opening and clearing the meridians for energy to flow through and stimulate the Base and the Crown Chakras.


The Base Chakra when out of balance can manifest into physical symptoms like lethargy, fatigue and a constant need for stimulation.


The Crown Chakra controls how you think, and react. It is your beliefs and source of spirituality.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Chrysanthemum Gem Essence.