Coffee Flower Essence


Coffee Flower Essence

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Coffee Flower Essence is for those who struggle with dependency on caffeine, working within one's limits and separating from old habits.


This essence can assist with cutting back on caffeine and its residues while aiding in letting go of patterns that keep the mind thinking it needs coffee to make it through the day. It may also help balance one's expectations of themselves not to have to over-caffeinate to accomplish their goals or even just daily tasks.


It can help with mental lethargy, indecisiveness, over-analysis and quick decision-making by tapping into the body and mind's natural energy reserves. This allows the body and mind to stay focused and alert without over-exertion but stay within their healthy limits.


The Coffee Flower Essence allows one to work more effectively and efficiently and then rest and recover sufficiently by benefiting from those highs and lows given by the natural energy the body makes.


This essence can also help with resisting external pressures and cutting free of old habits to not fall into destructive old patterns of behaviour and thought. It supports one's chosen path and can help release feelings of inadequacy and thus the pressure to over-exert oneself.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Coffee Flower Essence.