Comfrey Flower Essence


Comfrey Flower Essence

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Comfrey Flower Essence supports deep emotional healing and injury recovery.


Comfrey is for those who have suffered deep emotional and psychological wounds from trauma, abuse and shock. It can help with sorting through suppressed memories, healing emotional scars and releasing painful memories from an unhappy or traumatic childhood and other past wounds. It may also help in situations where you want to recover a hazy memory.


This essence can also be beneficial to your body's recovery. It can help with the recovery of nerve tissue, slow-healing wounds, and recovery from an accident/surgery and it may also help to reduce scarring. There have also been some cases where Comfrey has helped eczema.


Spiritually Comfrey can support the healing of the etheric body due to damage or injury in this or another lifetime.


Ingredients: Ethanol base, Comfrey Flower Essence.