Elestial Quartz Gem Essence


Elestial Quartz Gem Essence

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Elestial Quartz is for those who need to rebalance their emotions, it can help release suppressed anger and lift sorrow and depression.


It can help one forget old unhelpful thought patterns and ideas so that they may move forward into personal development with ease. Depending on those using this essence, one might find improvement in their activity or tranquillity at home.


This essence can also assist in restructuring and regulating energies. It can allow one a smooth transition to higher frequencies that may benefit them the most, is comforting and allows them to be ready for further development. It offers spiritual clearness and can prepare one for a new spiritual experience. 


Elestial Quartz may also assist in clearing blockages of the chakras.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Elestial Quartz Gem Essence.