Lavender Flower Essence


Lavender Flower Essence

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Lavender Flower Essence is for those who want to find calm within, ease negative thoughts, and bring balance to their whole being—mind, body, and soul. It's especially helpful for those who feel overwhelmed by emotions, stress, and modern life's demands.


This essence can help turn negativity into self-kindness and positivity. It can bring a sense of calm, that reminds one that they are supported on their healing journey. It helps soothe sensitivity, helping one find peace amidst overstimulation. It can provide a safe mental space when life's challenges feel too much and allow one to become ready to face each day with strength and an open heart. While calming the mind, it may also help one work through hidden emotions and become more aware of oneself.


Lavender Flower Essence can assist with cooling down an overactive adrenal system, helping one to sleep better and meditate more effectively. It can also help soothe excessive bodily heat for comfort and relaxation.


This flower essence also helps clear away negative energies and heal a tired soul. It can assist in bringing one back to their body when stress, intense spiritual work, or constant digital exposure pulls them away and grounds them in the present and physical world.


Lavender Flower Essence offers a holistic approach to finding inner calm and balance. By transforming negativity into self-compassion and fostering a serene mental space, this essence empowers you to navigate life's challenges with strength and an open heart.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Lavender Flower Essence.