Purple Saxifrage Flower Essence


Purple Saxifrage Flower Essence

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Purple Saxifrage is a beautiful wildflower from Iceland that is for those feeling disconnected and 'cut-off' from the rest of the world. It can help those who feel like something is missing, in some cases, it's an underlying profound feeling of loneliness and isolation. Often these feelings offer the mentality of, 'if I could just have this one thing/person in my life, I wouldn't feel so alone' however, this thought is often a misplaced projection that is a quick fix and not a true resolution to the underlying problem, causing resentment, bitterness and envy to develop over time.

This Flower Essence can help break down these walls that make us feel disconnected from others and our life. It can tap into our hearts and release unconditional love and understanding of all the possibilities the world has to offer.

Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Purple Saxifrage Flower Essence.