Renew Passion for Life


Renew Passion for Life

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Renew Passion for Life can help reawaken your spirit and inner child while filling you with radiant refreshing energy and unconditional self-love. This essence encourages a dynamic and positive outlook on life, it can help calm emotional stress, shyness and nervousness, welcoming feelings of self-worth.


It can be used to help with changing unwanted patterns and behaviours developed in the past from upbringing and trauma. It may help in situations of "burn-out", workaholic syndrome or other challenges by renewing your creativity and joy of physical existence and gratitude for the sacred gift of life.


This blend can also help to clear and activate the Sacral chakra which controls sensuality, intimacy, positive reciprocation, creativity and healthy emotions.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Morning Glory Flower Essence, Aloe Vera Flower Essence, Cassiope Flower Essence, Rhodochrosite Gem Essence, Sacral chakra activation.