Yellow Witch Butter Mushroom Essence


Yellow Witch Butter Mushroom Essence

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Yellow Witch’s Butter Mushroom essence is for maturity, flexibility and wisdom.


This essence can allow one to reexamine repressed emotional pains with new perspectives, knowledge and feelings towards the experience so that one may release old patterns and negative thoughts towards others. 


It's not until these past experiences are resolved that one can truly start to heal.


Yellow Witch's Butter may release one from the need to fix everything, allowing one to put the learning curves of life into perspective and move forward in their life.


This essence can help one discover what truly lies in their heart, and introduce a deeper knowledge and wisdom that usually resides outside one's reach, allowing the transformation of one's life into greater depths, maturity, and flexibility.


It can also assist with the journey to soul connection.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Yellow Witch Butter Mushroom Essence.