Use this remedy for injuries that have become infected. The infection is fought from the inside and dispelled outward, creating a true healing, not a suppression or band aiding of the infection.
This remedy will also be of great assistance for nerve damage and in combination with No. 5 Bites & Stings is very effective in treating Tetanus. It has a soothing effect and helps recovery of the nerve endings. Its action on nerves also gives it anti-tetanus properties. Lacerations, grazes and laminitis are very beneficially affected, and its ‘pain-killing’ effect is invaluable. Photosensitization in stock also responds well – the pain, shock and tissue damage are minimised and the underlying liver damage is ameliorated. This remedy is also of value in spinal injury, mental fatigue, falling out of hair, nausea, feeling like lump in stomach, haemorrhoids, jerking and twitching of muscles, cramps in calves, asthma, and ulceration. It may be considered as the ‘homoeopathic morphine’. This remedy is superb at pushing out infection to allow it to heal completely from the body.
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Hypericum 120C, Natural Antibiotic Oil.
50ml Sprayer
25ml Dropper
25ml Sprayer