Suffering from fever will usually present as hot, sweaty and may also look frightened. This remedy can also be helpful when someone is anxious, angry with or without cause, delirious, have a pounding pulse and are in pain. This is our lead remedy in recovery from heat stroke and dehydration.
This remedy is characterized by febrile and inflammatory states where there is much heat, redness, fullness and pain. The pulse is usually full and bounding. There are delirious, sensitive to real or imaginary odours, enlarged tonsils, dstension of abdomen, piles, haemorrhoids, urinary tract infections, and convulsive symptoms in its picture. Use it with confidence in all febrile or inflammatory states where these symptoms are uppermost. Minor symptoms are a thirst, dry mouth, and dilated pupil. Symptoms are usually worse for affected parts being touched, and the animals reacts badly to noise. Signs and symptoms usually center on the head.
- Sore throat
- Heart palpitations
- Shooting pains in limbs, tottering gait, rheumatic pain
- Restless sleep, crying out, gritting of teeth when sleeping
- Inflammation
- Fever
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Arsenicum Album 100C, Ferrum Phos 100C, Gelsemium 100C, Arnica 70C.
50ml Sprayer
25ml Dropper
25ml Sprayer