Birth Support - Breeders Kit Replacement


Birth Support - Breeders Kit Replacement

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This remedy can help with the severe pain, highly emotional state, exhaustion, vertigo, headaches, nausea, muscle pain, restless sleep and other symptoms that coincide with giving birth and post-birth rehabilitation. Use this remedy as soon as possible after birth and then, in a couple of days to help with bringing on milk.
This remedy assists when the baby is in the wrong position or the labour isn't progressing. Both of which are very traumatic and dangerous situations for the mother and baby with the risk of nerve damage, broken bones, damage to the birth canal and many other risks depending on the circumstances.
This remedy is also great for helping the mother post-delivery by assisting to get the uterus back into shape.

Just wanted to say thank you and let you know that the retained placenta remedy (birthing remedy) has come in handy twice in two days - much to my relief. I can always rely on this remedy to get the afterbirth delivered quickly after administering the remedy. I usually wait to allow the girls to have a natural birthing process but when needed this remedy always delivers (literally).
Thanks again.
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Pulsatilla 1520C, Sepia 1260C, Calcarea Phosphorica 50C, Caulophyllum 250C, Carbo Vegetabilis 120C, Cimicifuga 80C.

10ml Dropper
​25ml Dropper
25ml Sprayer